PlanBeyond PlanBeyond
如果/当 2023年12月5日


节目贡献者:霍莉·詹森·施密特, Paul Thies

In a world where climate change and ESG are becoming increasingly popular buzzwords and themes for Big Business, how can we ensure that companies truly "walk the talk" on sustainability by taking actions that deliver tangible, 有效的结果? 在这一集的如果/当, 这个问题由全球解决方案可持续发展总监来解决, 弹性 & 雅各布斯美洲地区气候响应, Hollie施密特, who 分享s what she's learned in her career around helping organizations move the needle on sustainability and how to avoid pitfalls in their efforts.




霍莉·詹森·施密特 is a Principal and the Global 解决方案 Director of 可持续性, 弹性 & 雅各布斯美洲地区气候响应. 她为广大公众提供咨询和咨询服务, 私人和联邦客户. 她也是可持续发展和韧性的主任 & 气候的响应 Business 咨询 as a trusted business partner for the company’s internal project delivery and growth as well as external client services.

在她28年的执业生涯中, 霍莉磨练了一套综合规划和交付方法, 特别关注大规模, 复杂的项目. Hollie provides resilient solutions either as a preventative or recovery service for large-scale clients who are experiencing vulnerabilities to natural and man-made shocks and stressors. She addresses ESG and climate response while holistically considering the physical, 人力和商业方面的挑战.



In 正规博彩十大网站排名’ series of interviews with some of today’s leading industry and academic problem solvers, we discuss the Ifs and Whens of disruption — those phenomena with the potential to unsettle the status quo, 以及那些即将发生的和正在出现的. 这个系列的特点是各种各样的客人, 包括高管, 名人, 学者, 宇航员, 医生, 将军, 音乐家, 工程师和科学家, 大家都在讨论一系列话题, 气候变化, 数据科学, 创造力, 对网络安全, 还有更多. 对话和参与 如果/当 series from 正规博彩十大网站排名 seeks to provide a forum for the curious minded to hear from diverse voices on a diversity of subjects.
