PlanBeyond PlanBeyond

How our 净零实验室 are helping organizations tackle climate change and reduce business risk

你的组织为零净值做好准备了吗? 净零实验室

气候变化对人类社会和地球构成了紧迫且可能不可逆转的威胁. 脱碳是限制气温上升的关键,对我们全球各行业的客户来说,这是一个具有历史意义和挑战性的里程碑.



There are many challenges for organizations embarking on a decarbonization journey:

  • What pathways and technologies are appropriate for our organization?
  • How do you deliver real and profound change on the ground?

As a company laser-focused on its own climate response, we understand an organization’s journey to net zero can be complex. We know it’s multifaceted, with governance, infrastructure and operational aspects coming together.

我们也知道,系统地、有策略地设定和实现减排目标是可能的, developing roadmaps that understand the sectoral challenges and opportunities available over time. 这就是我们的净零实验室发挥作用的地方——在一个互动研讨会上与您合作,发现减排挑战,并确定切实可行的解决方案, 适当及适时.


一旦你为研讨会预定了时间, our team will meet with you for a preplanning session to tailor the workshop to suit your needs.

会议通常会持续两个小时到一天,并要求所有关键决策者出席. 会议通常包括以下内容:

  • 你的排放足迹的范围和背景.
  • Barriers, enablers and integrators to decarbonization.
  • Possible solutions and pathways for net zero readiness, 包括:技术, 流程, energy solutions and partnerships that support decarbonization targets.
  • Collective and aligned understanding of stakeholders required to deliver on objectives.
  • 行动计划或关键业务案例组成部分,以便在内部推进议程的下一步.

一旦结束, 我们将为您提供报告和一系列您可以在脱碳之旅中采取的后续步骤.


If you’d like to know more or book in a Net Zero Lab we encourage you to get in touch.




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